Ralph Gibson Quadrants. Days at Sea. lovely women.
Graciela Iturbide "Motherhood" is such an amazing photo. reminds me of Sam and Abbey. "goucho" reminds me of Tyler being a daddy. powerful hands overtaken by the little lump baby.
Andrea Robbins and Max Becher "German Indians"
Stephen Shore uncommon places. gorgeous and amazing. could be my favorite.
Trogerstrasse 19 81675 München Germany Tel +49 89 28 22 22 Fax +49 89 28 16 17 kontakt@hubertushamm.de
Maybe I should contact this guy? and like be his model or somethine. I love everything he does, maybe he could publish something for me.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Venere in bikini^ TINY PEOPLE-interesting really old graffiti - graffiti on ruins- old old murals. I love CHAGALL espeically how he does animals. especially the horses and goats. crawfish drawings. x WANG YANI! - the brush of innocence sea buffet cornbread hushpuppies. cheshire cat smile. logan's alien ashtray. the beauty of the cave. WANTING TO DO THINGS. never knowing. never completing.